Join the conversation!
There are many ways to get engaged with GNUnet. A first step is to join the conversation on the mailing lists to keep up with development, find technical help, and discuss GNUnet:
Mailing List
You can get help on our mailing list help-gnunet.
If you generally want to be informed about recent updates and happenings, get in touch over our info mailing list.
If you want to hack on GNUnet or want to follow technical discussions, try our developer mailing list
We have a monthly get-together on Mumble where we talk about recent developments, strategies, and politics.
We come together on that day of the month, where n.day==n.month. E.g. we’ll meet on 6th of June, 7th of July, 8th of August, 9th of September, 10th of October and so on. We will usually start around 8 PM CEST, but try to be there earlier and stay longer just to hang around together.
To connect just enter "gnunet.org" as server into your Mumble client; leave everything else as default.
You find some of us on PSYC using the following adresses:
- psyc://psycyificvaxuzut3t6hcies3stfdtlzqftcnmbb5su3xv4zugplsfad.onion/@welcome
- irc://psycyificvaxuzut3t6hcies3stfdtlzqftcnmbb5su3xv4zugplsfad.onion:67/welcome
- psyc://psyced.org/@welcome
- irc://psyced.org/welcome
- xmpp:*welcome@psyced.org
Install GNUnet!
Another thing you might want now is your own GNUnet installation. As we haven’t packaged the new versions yet (as of June 2019) we provide some tutorials how to install step-by-step.
Use GNUnet!
Report bugs!
While using GNUnet you will find bugs. Here are some notes on how to do that the most effective way:
- Run 'gnunet-bugreport'
- Report the output into our bug tracker. Add more details e.g. what happened and what you expected to happen.
- If you do not want to use the public bug tracker, you can also eMail to bug-gnunet@gnu.org.
- Please inform us if your operating system or package manager applies any vendor changes to GNUnet which you know about (to exclude potential problems introduced by third parties).
- Wait until your bug report is acknowledged/replied to. Note that only volunteers work on this, responses may take a while.
- Please follow up on any questions about the bug.
- Once a fix is there: Check if it's working as expected, so that we can properly close the bug report and/or give you credit :)
There are various ways to contribute. We especially need coders with C skills and knowledge of crypto. Development work on this this website, it's translations, the bibliography, our wide documentation, and other efforts are most welcome, too.
The core software of GNUnet used to be released with long breaks between releases. Since the 0.11.0 release we try to make releases more regularly. Therefore package maintainers who are interested in working together with an welcoming environment are invited to contribute packages of our software to any OS/PM and request help.
Last but not least designers are welcome to contact us about projects which require help.
You may also take a look into our bug tracker
for beginner-friendly issues.
If you are more the reading kind of person, please take a seat in our library...
...or if you rather want hear us talking to you, lean back and watch some videos of our talks at conferences.
Get together!
Occasionally we meet in "meat space", mostly in Germany and Switzerland. The usual occasions are:
- Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig (DE), 27th-30th December
- Datenspuren in Dresden (DE), usually by mid/end of September
- GNUnet Hackweek in Mont-Soleil (CH), usually by the end of June
- Other meetings happening throughout the year: You’ll get to know about it on our Mailing-list (or propose them yourself).